Business Plan Services
I can provide detailed Business Plan services for any requirement, whether that is for a loan application, to start a new business or grant funding and for any type of business including manufacturing or food related.
Each Business Plan will be tailored to your exact requirements covering a three year period or beyond and will encompass a monthly profit & loss statement, detailing sales assumptions, trading margins, labour, overheads, depreciation, interest and tax.
Also included will be a detailed monthly Balance sheet showing fixed assets, stocks, debtors, creditors, bank, loans and capital, leading onto a monthly cashflow forecast enabling funding requirements to be determined and pinch points.
I have extensive SME experience in providing Business Plan services and forecasts which will enable me to provide you with your exact requirements. I specialise in providing a business plan to start a new business enabling the process to be started from ground up using key assumptions and allowing a degree of flexibility for different scenarios.